Help Us Build A Stronger Future
Join us
In building a permanent endowment for The Parenting Place programs!
In our first 40 years, The Parenting Place has worked with our families, donors, and partners to build funding stability to support our current programs, and to put appropriate operations and facility maintenance reserve funds in place. Now, our donors and leadership team are helping us to establish a permanent endowment with the Montana Community Foundation (MTCF).
How does a permanent endowment work?
Gifts made to MTCF for The Parenting Place Endowment will be professionally managed and forever invested. When the Endowment reaches $25,000 or more, it pays out earnings each year that support The Parenting Place programs long into the future. We know that our trauma-informed and family-strengthening work will change and grow over time, but will remain value-added and vital to our families and community. Our Parenting Place Endowment is one important way that gifts today ensure support for our programs long into the future.
Strengthen Families
Develop Trauma-Informed Care
Both locally and across Montana
Become a part of our mission to help provide continuous support
Together we can:
What are some ways that we can support The Parenting Place Endowment?
We can contact Parenting Place to share our story of why Parenting Place matters to us. The staff appreciates knowing how we came to be a part of Parenting Place, and why we want these vital programs to continue making a difference in our community and state.
We can give now
By credit card on the MTCF website.
By a check payable to MTCF – with Parenting Place Endowment noted in the memo line – can also be mailed to Montana Community Foundation, PO Box 1145, Helena, MT 59624-1145
With a gift of appreciated stock – contact the MTCF staff to be guided through this tax-savvy way to give.
With a gift that could qualify for the Montana Endowment Tax Credit, which could be a planned gift - like a deferred charitable gift annuity – that provides a credit (up to $10,000 per person) against Montana income tax liabilities each year. These efficient gifts can cost only 25 to 50 cents on the dollar for us to make! Contact the MTCF for a gift illustration and further giving assistance.
We can give directly from our IRA account (for donors 70 ½ and older)
Known as a charitable IRA rollover, we can contact our IRA administrator and have an IRA distribution (up to $100,000 annually per person) sent directly to MTCF for the Parenting Place Endowment. Such gifts are applied to our Required Minimum Distribution, and can help us save on taxes.
We can give through our will/trust.
Working with an estate planning attorney, we can include a gift to MTCF for the Parenting Place Endowment as we structure our legacy giving. To learn more, contact your trusted advisor and the MTCF staff at (406) 443-8313.