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Program Features
Learn the 10 types of childhood trauma measured in the ACE Study
Learn the real impacts of neurological development of the young caused by toxic stress
Contact Ivy Anderson to discuss more –
About ACEs Study
“ACEs” stands for “Adverse Childhood Experiences.” These experiences can include things like physical and emotional abuse, neglect, caregiver mental illness, and household violence.
The more ACEs a child experiences, the more likely he or she is to suffer from things like heart disease and diabetes, poor academic achievement, and substance abuse later in life.
ACEs affect people at all income and social levels, and can have serious, costly impact across the lifespan. No one who’s experienced significant adversity (or many ACEs) is irreparably damaged, though we need to acknowledge trauma’s effects on their lives. By reducing families’ sources of stress, providing children and adults with responsive relationships, and strengthening the core life skills we all need to adapt and thrive, we can prevent and counteract lasting harm.
In this presentation participants will learn about Toxic Stress, how ACEs “Get Under the Skin”, and how we can reduce the effects of ACEs and Toxic Stress.
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